TS SBTET Diploma Exams conduct of Regular/Backlog/Mercy/Special mercy Exmainatins For C18, C16S, C16, C09 in the month of June 2020
The state board of technical education released a notification on 28th December that Decided to conduct the Regular/Backlog/Mercy/special Mercy examinations of C14, C16S, C16 and c09 (mercy chance) in the month of June every year.
C18 regular
The board decided to conduct Regular examination for c18 in the month of April 2020 for the 1st and 4th semesters.
For C18 supplementary
The Sbtet will conduct supplementary examinations in the month of June 2020 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-semester students.
For C16S
The ts diploma C16S supplementary examinations will be conducted in the month of June 2020 as per official board notification.
For C09 (2012) special mercy
The Telangana state board of technical education has decided to conduct the special mercy exams for all semesters in June 2020, which the pin number starts from 12
For C09 (2013) special mercy chance
The board will conduct special mercy exams for co9 in the month of June 2020 for all semesters.
The SBTET released this notification for the informational purpose of the exam time table notification available soon in the 2020 year.